Home Schooling

Online Resources

Home schooling support is available.

Learning resources can be tailored to your faith group as well as your child's grade.

Vernon and Area: Facebook LINK

Heritage Christian Online School:  Kelowna LINK

Learning Pods of Parents:  LINK

Steps to Becoming a

Home School

 1. Many accredited independent schools will enroll your child into their school as a home schooler. Choose a school or online school that is accredited in your province. Examples: Pleasant Valley Christian Academy (Vernon), and Traditional Learning Academy (Coquitlam).

2. Choose which textbooks your child will use for their learning. You can go to schools outside of Canada for enriched learning programs and textbooks. These books are purchased online and mailed to your home.

For instance, a classical studies program is available HERE.

3. Choose local teachers, programs, or daycamps in music, arts, science and sports as a way to both enrich your home school subjects, as well as connect with other home schooling families. These will be advertised in Facebook, as well as local shops and newspaper ads or flyers.